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Here's the good news!

You are here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world and those colors look different for everyone. Whether you are super busy or have more time on your hands, there are a multitude of ways to get involved even beyond our primary projects and opportunities below.


One way is to start with your gifts and interests. Another way is to jump right into something new. Sometimes you may see a need during your day and want to help, but could use some assistance in getting started.


You may want to consider:

  • Adding your email to our Mission Engagement email list to stay up-to-date on upcoming opportunities and emergency needs that pop up

  • Serving on the Mission Engagement Committee

  • Participating in a workday with Community Housing Solutions or Habitat for Humanity

  • Delivering food from Greensboro Urban Ministry to Partnership Village or delivering food with Meals On Wheels

  • Help with coordinating one of our annual mission opportunities such as Partnership Village backpack and school supplies collection (June-August), Honor Card sales (December), or our Winter hat/glove/long underwear collection (December) to name a few

  • Help watering our Giving Garden (May-August)

  • Habitat for Humanity Playhouse Build Day (May or October)

  • Lean on WPC as a resource to try something new where you see there is a need


Greensboro Urban Ministry's Weaver House

First Sunday Each Month, 6:00-8:00am | 305 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27406

Contact: Jake Van Wyk (, Scott Neely (


Greensboro Urban Ministry's Weaver House provides a single bed and bedding for up to 100 adult men and women. The shelter welcomes all who are in need of housing. No one in real need is turned away unless space is not available. Westminster serves breakfast to Weaver House guests, as well as takeout meals, the first Sunday of every month.



Out of the Garden Project - Fresh Mobile Market

Every Third Saturday, 9:45-11:301m | Peck Elementary School, 1601 W. Florida St., Greensboro, NC 27403

Contact: Pamela & Greg Rosendale, or Scott Neely


OOTGP Fresh Mobile Markets take place at high need GCS schools and Guilford
County food deserts. WPC's sponsored site serves between 90+ families, and
each family receives between 50 – 70 pounds of food. Each Fresh Mobile Market
provides 60+ pounds of fresh produce, meat, and bread per qualifying family.


Out of the Garden Project’s Fresh Mobile Markets program is a mobile food
pantry service available currently at 20+ locations in Guilford County every
month. Westminster provides volunteers on the 3rd Saturday morning of each
month located at Peck Elementary, 1601 W. Florida St. 8 - 10 people are
required each month, and the minimum age is 13. Ages 13 – 16 must be with a
parent or responsible adult. If you'd like to join us on a Saturday, please sign up by clicking here.

Ongoing Local Volunteer Opportunities

Partnership Village Food Delivery

1st & 3rd Fridays of the month, 3:30-4:30pm | GUM - 305 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27406, Partnership Village - 135 Greenbriar Rd, Greensboro

Contact: Scott Neely (


Partnership Village is a transitional housing community that offers affordable housing in a supportive environment for homeless individuals or families that are working towards greater self-sufficiency. The primary goal of the program is for each household to become independent and qualify for conventional housing. Westminster volunteers pick up food from Greensboro Urban Ministry and delivers to Partnership Village Apartments every first and third Fridays of the

month. This is a vital service opportunity that takes only 30-45 minutes of your time from pickup to delivery. You are always greeted by many friendly residents at the community center who are there ready to help unload the Food.





Meals on Wheels

1st Wednesday of the month, 9am 

Contact: Scott Neely (


Many local seniors are homebound and struggle to obtain healthy meals. Hundreds have no one to talk with or check on them on a regular basis. When volunteers come to the door with a hot meal Monday through Friday, the food and visit help these seniors stay healthy and independent longer. Volunteers from the faith community, local businesses and schools work in pairs to deliver the meals, which are prepared by a local caterer. The volunteers also check on

the well-being of each senior they visit. 


A team of Westminster volunteers deliver Meals on Wheels the first Wednesday morning of each month. The time commitment is 2 – 2.5 hours. Training is provided and both monthly and substitute volunteers are needed for our Westminster delivery team.

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