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Music is an important part of Westminster.

From the Worship Band and the Chancel Choir on a typical Sunday morning, to special recitals, concerts, and Summer Rock Camp - Westminster’s music ministry is thriving to say the least. We aim to offer a broad array of music on Sunday mornings and special programming throughout the year, so there’s something for every listener!

  • How big is the church?
    Our church congregation consists of about 1200 members, plus a lot of regular visitors too. While by definition we’re considered a large church, we have a small church feel on Sunday mornings. Because we offer two Sunday services (and online live stream options for both), we hope nobody feels overwhelmed by the size.
  • Who goes to your church?
    Anyone and everyone! We welcome anyone who wants to walk through our doors. We are very much an intergenerational congregation, and we consider ourselves a “big tent” church - we see differences among us as a way for us to learn and grow together.
  • What should I wear?
    Whatever you feel comfortable wearing. You will see everything from shorts and flip-flops to suits and ties. The most important thing to us is your presence, not your presentation. As a whole, the congregation tends to be more business casual than Sunday formal - but you’ll see just about everything.


Visual art plays a very important role in the life of our church. It allows us to go beyond the surface of our faith; it gives us the freedom to explore, feel, and see our faith, and others, from all angles and perspectives. 


Here are some ways we’ve used visual art in worship:


  • We display wood panel paintings in the front of the sanctuary based on the worship theme(s). We often build on the same piece of artwork each Sunday and the wonder and excitement for what will be unveiled grows from week to week.

  • We frequently use the chandeliers to connect flowing ribbon, fishing lines with paper cranes, and more to create a sense of connectedness and to draw one’s eye to the cross. One year, during Lent, we hung puffy clouds (made of lanterns and cotton) to support our theme, “What are you up to?”

  • Sometimes, we incorporate live paintings during worship. 

  • We also set aside time for collaborative work with those of all ages and abilities to take part in painting large canvases for the worship setting. 

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