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Losing Your Head

Dear Friends,

The sermon title two weeks ago was “Keep Your Head,” a great message in which Sam powerfully reminded us of Paul’s words that while the church is called the Body of Christ, the HEAD of the body is Christ alone…and to BE the church we must Keep our Head! Amen to that!

This coming Sunday we’ll be talking about another head, except it’s about “losing your head”, literally. Do you recall the story of John the Baptist… and his wretched demise? Mark 6:14-29 has been called a “terrible text” for good reason. The beheading of John is NOT a particularly redeeming passage, except… John lost his head in order to honor the HEAD!  And while his was a physical loss, Herod lost far more. Revenge is not so sweet after all!

I believe there’s a reason this terrible text is suggested as a summer Sunday reading… more worshipers are out of town, on vacation… less damage done! In fact, I’ve never preached on this passage, nor have I heard a sermon on it! Yet seriously, I do not think it’s random that Mark included the story in great detail in his gospel which is usually short on details. Why would Mark include it right between two stories about Jesus and his disciples and a miracle? Why? There’s got to be a reason…. so let’s discover together!

See you Sunday, and linger afterwards to enjoy fellowship while sipping lemonade and nibbling cookies!

Stay cool and remember your many blessings,


PS: A word of wisdom: “Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out!”  (source unknown)


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