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Letters to the Church: What Lies Ahead

I want to thank you for the many kind notes Elaine and I have received from so many of you, for your generous retirement gift, and for the wonderful reception after church on June 2nd where I was able to speak to many of you. As I said in my sermon that Sunday, I thank God for all of you, and it has been a blessing and privilege to serve as you pastor over these last 8 ½ years. 


Let me say a word about what comes next for me and for the church. This Sunday, June 16th, will be my last Sunday with you. We’ll look at a passage from Romans which tells us to “hold fast to what is good” and “return to no person evil for evil.” You’ll recognize those phrases from the charge and benediction I use most Sundays. We’ll look at what it means to follow Jesus, especially in today’s world. 


I’ll be around next week packing up my office, and then we’ll head to Montreat with my larger family for a week of vacation. My official last day is June 30th Elaine and I plan to move into an apartment in Raleigh soon after that. We have some great guest preachers lined up for July, Kate Gutherie on July 7, our former associate pastor Caroline Sell on July 28, and others. 


Our Presbytery Executive met with our Session earlier this month to review the Presbytery’s policy for retiring pastors, including a covenant agreement that I and our clerk of Session, Larry Hooker, have signed. It makes clear that after my retirement I am not to come back to perform pastoral acts like weddings, funerals, preaching, or visitation. I will also step out of my leadership role at the church, so it’s not appropriate for me to discuss church business with members or staff. I can still connect with church members as friends and will certainly be praying for you and for Westminster. This policy is meant to both allow me to really retire, and also to allow the church to welcome a new interim pastor, and then a new senior pastor. 


I am confident that I am leaving the church in good hands. We have a great Session and Transition Team. We have a strong and committed church staff along with three wonderful pastors who will provide care and leadership, Cindy, Butch, and Sam. Know that you will continue to be in my prayers, and that I am grateful for our shared ministry. 




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