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Walking Together in Gratitude and Faith

Greetings Westminster Family!

Thank you for the warm and gracious welcome to Westminster! Denise and I are thrilled to be walking with you in this season of transition.

With my first week in the books, my gratitude for the Transition Team and Ernie’s courageous and pastoral work, could not be higher. And, having sat with each of our staff members this past week, hearing their stories, their dreams, and soaking in their love for the people and mission of Westminster, I could not help but conclude that we have a team of Super-Stars! And as hard as they work, each of them were quick to remind me of the amazing and faithful work of you, the women and men of Westminster. 

This Sunday we’re going to talk about eating. And before we dig into the fried chicken that will fuel us for the Westminster Olympics, we will talk about Jesus’ invitation to “Eat This.” No, this is not an invitation to some boorish practice, but an invitation to regularly consume the very Spirit of Jesus as we go about our daily tasks. When Jesus told His disciples that “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.” (John 6:56), He invited us to feed often on the very person, essence, and teachings of our Savior. 

I love the way one of our staff members brought this idea to light for me this past week. He told me, “I have learned that whatever happens in my life, good or bad, I need to breathe in the words ‘Thank you, Jesus.’” Thank you, Jesus.

Hope to see you Sunday!




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