When you know how much God is in love with you then you can only live your life radiating that love.   ― Mother Teresa

Our belief: You are known. You are loved. You are not alone.

Our focus: God is the ever-present outpouring of love. Our Christian tradition embraces the path of spiritual transformation, accessible to everyone.

Our mission: The Ministry of Spiritual Practice invites people to hold a space of peace and joy as they listen for God’s direction, seeking to be made whole by love. Contemplation moves all toward receptive stillness, encouraging us to quiet ourselves enough to hear the Spirit speak to and act through us.

The Ministry of Spiritual Practice is intentionally inclusive, inviting all seekers into community to cultivate deeper listening that enables and supports the inward and outward journeys of transformation. Participants value hard questions and together risk saying “we do not know” so that the Spirit might re-make us.

Grounded in the Spirit, participants actively join in the whole life of the Westminster community and move out into the world with generous hearts and minds.

Our ministry provides a number of offerings to enrich your spiritual journey

Retreats at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center are regular overnight or weekend events to provide a time for people to spend time with a small group, to rest, to be silent, to enjoy each other’s company, and explore the beauty and sacredness of nature.

Group Spiritual Fellowships, also called Sacred Circles

In group spiritual direction, you are invited to share glimpses of where God might be showing up in your day to day life – or times when you don’t have a sense of the Spirit’s presence at all. The role of the group is to listen with the ear of the heart and simply respond with any prayer that might be given during a time of quiet reflection. There is no problem-solving, advising or counseling involved, just faithful deep listening and soulful prayer. Sacred circles – usually 4-5 people -- meet once a month for about 2 hours. A trained facilitator guides the group through the process of sharing, silence and reflection.

 One participant’s reflection:

'… there’s been one group that has really been special. We call it our Sacred Circle, and there are 6 of us in my group. We’ve been meeting monthly for about 7 years and engage in “deep listening” with one another. What does this mean?—it means you actually listen to someone talk for 10-15 minutes. We have 10 minutes of silence before and 10 minutes of silence after someone speaks and before we respond, so that’s 20 minutes of intentional silence.  We then respond to the person  in a simple way with a word or an image that evokes what we sense that God wants for this person. The built -in silences slow us down and help us to tap into the Holy Spirit.

And here’s the kicker—we don’t try to fix anything, we don’t make suggestions, we don’t judge. We are trying to listen for the movement of the Holy Spirit in the other person’s life.

This type of community which gathers around intentional, structured silence and sharing and listening is very unique. Being listened to by caring, wise people and having these people ask, “What is God’s prayer for me today?" hands down has been the most grounding, encouraging thing I’ve ever done. I feel like I have companions on both sides of me holding my hands and God is right there with us. God is in our midst.  When I leave our circle time, I feel at peace. I feel whole. I feel connected to God.  But most of all, I feel hope.

Praying the Word: Lectio Divina - Resumes in September

Each Monday at noon during the school year, we gather in the chapel to spend time with the week’s scripture in an ancient yet, to many of us, novel way to explore it. The practice of Lectio Divina involves our listening with the ear of the heart to how the words from the Bible might be touching our lives at this time. Silence between multiple readings, journaling and optional sharing create a space for reflection in allowing the words to sink into and enrich our spirits.

 Lectio is about-

  1.  Reading and listening to that day's scripture more slowly with intention

  2.  Praying about what I have heard and read

  3.  Meditating about words or phrases that caught my attention

  4.  Considering what God's scripture might be asking of me

  5.  Resting

Some comments from participants:

“There is a time to share (voluntarily) after the scripture is read. I find listening to how the words speak differently to each person who shares very powerful. I learn constantly every week!“

 "I really enjoy participating in Lectio Divina at Westminster. It provides an opportunity to pause Mondays at midday and join others in reading and reflecting upon a passage of Holy Scripture. We are challenged to listen attentively for God's word to us as individuals--- and what it may mean in our lives." 

I have found Lectio Divina a very meaningful practice that I look forward to each week. What helps me the most during this practice is making room. Yes, I create space for the spirit by making room as I ask the spirit of God to join me, especially between each word I read or say.”


SoulCollage® is a way of using images, scissors and glue to create a small collage.  We use images, rather than words, to listen deeply to our inner self and to the Spirit who is within us.  In this process, each of us listens individually, and then we listen to one another in community.  This is a process of learning to open to the unknown, wonder, and play.  It is a practice of letting go of preconceived outcomes and focusing on the process.  Then, we will see what unfolds, and what we can learn about ourselves as individuals, and as part of a community.  Everyone can do this.  It does not take talent.  It does take being willing to let go of how we usually do things, and try something that may seem, at first, to be uncomfortable.  Bring your curiosity, and the stance of a learner. Plan to breathe, relax, and renew.  MSP team member Terri Burleson is a certified and experienced Soul Collage facilitator who regularly offers workshops at Westminster. Participants leave the workshop with a card they have created to reflect their inner thoughts or an offered theme.

Courses exploring the inward journey 

Over the thirteen years of its existence, this ministry has offered many course designed to support people in their spiritual lives. Currently in 2024, 36 people are participating in Inward Journey/Outward Journey: GPS for Deeper Living. Participants meet weekly for 90 minutes to explore how spiritual practices and deep listening – to our inner voice and to others – can prepare us to move with intention into a deeper and more meaningful outward journey.

Quiet Spaces for Advent and Lent

For many years, the ministry has offered a special, expanded time for meditation and lectio divina during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Held on Mondays at noon, these times of quiet worship include music, a brief meditation and scripture readings.


Serenity Garden

Thanks to the committed efforts of former MSP team member Emily Reeve, there is a place on Westminster’s grounds where you can sit or wander among a beautiful, natural garden space. Located at the end of the parking lot, behind the Redington House, the garden is open to all who seek perhaps a bit of shade in summer or solitude in winter. Sink into God’s amazing creation in this special space.


Healing Prayer Shawl Ministry

 Since its beginning in 2002, knitters in Westminster’s Healing Prayer Shawl Ministry have created and shared more than 1500 beautiful, handknit prayer shawls for people both in and beyond our congregation who are experiencing sadness, difficult transitions, or simply need to feel the love of our community in a tangible way. Participants knit prayers of love and healing into each row. The shawls are blessed by the group and then shared by our pastors, staff and members.

 Two groups currently gather to knit and pray in community at the church: weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM and monthly, on the second Wednesday at 9:00 AM during the school year. Novice knitters are always welcome.