Transition Team Janet Hurd, Transition Team Chair | Larry Hooker, Clerk of Session
Bert Andia, Gary Cram, Stephanie Keaney, Melanie Woodard, Derek Gracey

with questions or to apply.

It all started when…

On February 10, 2024 Ernie announced that after much prayer and conversation with his wife Elaine, that he has decided to take early retire. They plan to move to Raleigh to be closer to family and more involved in their grandchildren’s lives. We are so grateful for Ernie’s 8+ years of leadership as Senior Pastor & Head of Staff.

The Transition Team was formed and approved by Session on February 25, 2024.

“Our goal is to move a quickly as possible, with thoughtful discernment, to locate an appropriate Transitional/Interim Pastor to lead us in preparing for our next Senior Pastor and Head of Staff. We want to be as transparent as possible throughout the process.”

Janet Hurd, Team Chair

What can you do? Please continue to pray for Westminster Church. Our church is in wonderful shape, and we are blessed not to be in crisis, but change can be challenging. Hold Ernie in your prayers as he transitions to retirement. Keep our church staff, as well as Sam, Cindy, and Butch, close to your heart as they take on additional responsibilities during this process. Also, pray for the Transition Committee and our future Transitional Pastor as they discern God’s call.

June 2024 Update

Since our last update some weeks ago, the Transition Team has been collecting and reviewing resumes and will start the initial interview process in the coming days. Westminster has been blessed with many excellent candidates interested in the Transitional Pastor role. We ask for your prayers as we move into this exciting phase of the process. 

 We enjoyed celebrating Ernie and Elaine’s faithful service to Westminster on June 2, and our congregation will bid them a bittersweet goodbye in mid-June (June 16th is Ernie’s last Sunday in the pulpit). The Worship Committee has arranged the preaching schedule to ensure we will have no vacancies in the pulpit, and Butch has begun a part-time, temporary role of assisting with visitation and pastoral care. Ernie's other responsibilities have been distributed among current staff. The transitional pastor will be picking up many of those responsibilities once that person arrives. Our church is doing well and will continue to be supported by the exceptional leadership we have in place at Westminster.

April 2024 Update

Over the past two months, the Transition Team has been meeting weekly to work through the transition process, as The Book of Order and Salem Presbytery outline. As of late April, the Transitional Pastor job description has been created, posted on the website, and shared via the weekly Salem Presbytery newsletter. Presbytery has assigned PCUSA Minster Pat Fletcher as the Team’s liaison. She is available to answer process questions and offer appropriate guidance. 

Interested candidates have begun reaching out to Janet Hurd, Team Chair. Upon receiving a candidate’s PDP (in layman’s terms, a resume or CV), the first step is to have the General Presbyter run a background check to ensure the candidate is qualified to apply. The PDPs are then shared with the Transition Team.

The church’s version of a resume is called an MDP. The Team completed that document and received the Session’s approval to submit it. Next, the MDP needs the Presbytery’s Commission on Ministry’s (COM) approval, and then it will be posted on the PCUSA’s job board, the Church Leadership Connection (CLC). This will allow us to reach candidates nationally.

In the coming weeks, the committee will continue to accept applications, begin phone interviews to narrow the candidate pool, review recorded examples of sermons, and move towards final candidates and full committee interviews. We hope to have our Transitional Pastor in place by early fall. In the interim, worship will be led by Sam, Cindy, and visiting clergy. 

Given the size of our congregation, the potential for a gap between Ernie’s departure and the Transitional Pastor starting, and the scope of the Transitional Pastor’s duties once they begin, Butch Sherrill has graciously agreed to assist with pastoral visitation temporarily. He will occasionally fill in with worship leadership and preaching, as well. 




Information sessions will be offered throughout the process and updates will be posted on this page. If you have questions, please contact Team Chair, Janet Hurd or Clerk of Session, Larry Hooker.