OUR BELIEFS: Celebrating Grace, Following Jesus, Healing God’s World


We are a part of the Presbyterian Church USA, which has more than 2.5 million members and roots that date back to the 16th century. Want details about Presbyterian Church USA’s beliefs and practices? Find them here. Westminster, as a large church in Greensboro, is a member of Salem Presbytery, which gives us the ability to access—and to contribute to—best practices for being church in the world today.

What do we believe?

When Jesus was asked, “What is the greatest commandment?” he answered, “Love God, and love your neighbor, this is all the law and the prophets.” Presbyterians have called this “the rule of love.” We believe any interpretation of Scripture that does not lead us to love God and to love our neighbor is a misunderstanding of Scripture.

Presbyterians start with God’s love and grace. We are a “big tent” church, recognizing that there are issues about which people will disagree. We also recognize that truth often comes to us in time and with mystery.

We welcome all to join us in worship, service, community, faith formation and love. We welcome into church membership all who trust God’s grace in Jesus Christ and who desire to be a part of the ministry and fellowship of the church.

+ A Welcoming, Inclusive Church

As Jesus gathered a diverse group of disciples and followers, we seek to create a church community were all people feel welcomed and integrated into our community. Westminster is a safe and affirming place for members of the LGBG+ community. • All church members can serve in roles of leadership, regardless of gender identity sexual orientation.
• Westminster has multiple gender-neutral restrooms for the convenience and comfort of all persons and families. • Westminster believes marriage is a gift of God given to all people, including members of the LBGT+ community. Our pastors are happy to officiate at marriage services in our Sanctuary or other venues. For more information or questions, please feel free contact one of our pastors.

+ With all Christians we believe...

We believe in one God who we know in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that God entered into human history in the person of Jesus Christ, God with us.

We believe that all who seek to follow Christ are part of the universal church, and we are always seeking to strengthen our connections with other churches and traditions.

We recognize that God’s Spirit works outside the church, and so we welcome conversations and partnerships with other faiths and with those who have more questions than answers.

+ With other Christians from the Protestant Tradition we believe...

We look to the Bible as the unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the Bible becomes God’s word to us.

We recognize that the Bible is the work of ancient writers and ancient literary fashions and customs, and so, the Bible must be carefully interpreted.

We know that Jesus told his disciples, “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But the Spirit will guide you into all truth.” We are always open to new truth from Scripture.

We join other Protestants in lifting up God’s gift of salvation “by grace, through faith and for good works.” We do not save ourselves with our faith or with our works. We are saved by grace. We do not earn God’s grace but live our faith out of gratitude and thanksgiving. This faith always leads to good works.

+ with the pcusa we believe...

Presbyterians believe that the church must always be open to being reformed and that we are called to engage significant social issues in light of Jesus teaching. We are a confessional church, accepting the Creeds of the ancient church and also adopting new confessions and statements, which include: We believe the Spirit calls women and men to all ministries of the church, including serving as elders and pastors. We believe marriage is a gift of God given to all humankind for the wellbeing of the entire human family. Our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA), makes room for a variety of beliefs regarding marriage between two people of the same sex and the ordination of LGBTQ members to the office of elder and pastor. Our local church, Westminster, has chosen to ordain LGBTQ members to positions of leadership, and we are open to performing marriage services for all members at the pastors’ discretion. The Spirit calls us to listen to the voices of those long silenced and to work with others for justice, freedom and peace. Because Jesus identified with the needy and exploited, the cause of the world’s poor is the cause of Jesus’ disciples.

Our pastors are always open to conversations about what it means to be a follower of Christ and about beliefs and values that shape the Presbyterian Church and Westminster.